The Best Reader + TIME

Follow My Hop Recap 3.18.11

Today I'm participating in two memes — the Book Bloggers Hop, hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books & Follow My Book Blog Friday, hosted at Parajunkee's View. I am also putting up my weekly recap... get it? "Follow My Hop Recap?"
If you're a new follower, please leave me a link to your blog in the comments below so that I can return the hello! Also, please follow me on Twitter — it's like my connection to the world! I love connecting with different bloggers!
This week's question from the Hop:
"Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?"

Even with my Nook, I have an extremely hard time reading more than one book at a time. I end up feeling like a complete misogynist who cheats on one great book with a "hotter" book. It never turns out good for me. I am able to listen to a different book (thank goodness). But other than that, I am definitely a one book (at a time) woman. This week's question from Follow Me Friday:

Q. How did you come up with your blog name?

Miss Remmers' Review came from a bulletin board I knew I wanted to have in my classroom (I was a junior in college when became a book blogger). When I finally got my own classroom this fall it was the first thing I did to my room. It's where I post my "favorite" reads, what I am currently reading, and what it "up next." Then, once I finish a book, I take it and put it up above my board. Below is an older picture, now I've got cover along pretty much the whole wall.

I love the alliteration and it makes this blog a bit more student friendly. Now that I'll be changing my name I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I don't think I'll change my blog (which is weird I know). But I've built a readership and I just don't feel comfortable changing it along with the buttons and everything else that goes with changing the name. Plus, Mrs. Urbanec's Review definitely does not sound as cool.:)

I Got It Bad: Book Mourning Review: "Wither" Giveaway: Win "I'd Know You Anywhere" (SIGN UP TO WIN!) Back to the Basics: Commenting

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Follow My Hop Recap 3.18.11 + TIME