The Best Reader + novel

Calling all Artists: Teacher In Need

You may or may not be asking yourself, where has Miss Remmers' been the last week? Well friends, rest assured — nothing bad happened... unless you count the dreaded "end of the semester." The past week I raced to get students prepared for finals and (for some) passing. But it came to a point where it is sink or swim, and I'm hoping my students can at least doggy paddle.

Like any procrastinator, I'm using the two days of finals week to somewhat prepare for next week (the beginning of semester two). My sophomores are starting with "The Lord of the Flies" and I'm creating a sort of Survivor-esque unit surrounding the novel. I'm basically splitting the classes into tribes and by the end of the novel the last tribe standing wins. I've implemented independent discussions, comprehensive questions, and "challenges." But I'm in need of one more thing to make this unit the best ever — a logo.

I'm looking for a talented graphic artist who can work some magic — for, you know, no cost. It's relatively simple: I just want where it says "The Amazon" or "Pearl Islands" to say "Urbanec" (my married name). On the third image, if you can think of a creative placement — go for it. It's completely up to you which graphic would be easiest (as an uncreative and not artistic talent person, I'm not going to presume to say which would be easiest).

I plan on showing my students clips from the very first Survivor season as I introduce the unit and I thought it would be awesome to have clips fade into my very own slightly distorted graphic. If you think you could be so amazing as to help me out and donate your talents — I would be forever grateful. As D and I just started the Dave Ramsey financial planning budget, Dave says I can't give gift cards but I could send a package of swag!

I'm really excited for this unit and I'd appreciate any artistic help I can get! Thanks!

best, book, and more:

Calling all Artists: Teacher In Need + novel