"The calming colors and relaxing tone makes 'Comfort Living' an enjoyable read." — Miss Remmers
From Amazon.com...
"With simple tools and do-able steps, Comfort Living will guide you in creating a home that transforms the way you experience each day. No big investment of time or money is required. Filled with exercises, ToolBoxes, photographs and planning pages, this book becomes a personalized experience for each reader, customized to individual needs and wants, much like a wedding planner or baby book. Just as comfort food does more than satisfy hunger, Comfort Living realigns your surroundings so that they support your priorities and feed your soul."
While "Comfort Living" is an eight week investment, I didn't want this review to have to be eight weeks later. I'm going to review "Comfort Living" and later, once I move off campus this summer, I plan on posting another review of how I've used the practical knowledge in my own living environment. I also received the small Comfort Living Journal that I plan on utilizing once I enter the 'real world' with a real home/apartment (not a dorm).
"Comfort Living" is set up perfectly — not only does it inspire readers to reexamine their environment, but it also gives them the tools and information necessary to change their environment for the better. I loved the information given by Christine Eisner, but I also loved the way it was offered; the calming colors and relaxing tone makes "Comfort Living" an enjoyable read. I also very much liked the journal that came with the book as well as the pages dedicated to reflection at the end of each chapter. I'm glad that these tools were provided, it further establishes within the reader the want to reevaluate and (if necessary) change their living environment.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels overly stressed in their dwellings and/or who is looking to change their environment with a minimal cost.
Favorite Quotes:
"We shape our dwellings, and afterwards, our dwellings shape us" (7).
"To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts" (56) — Thoreau