All contests hosted at Miss Remmers' Review will follow this policy:
- Because Miss Remmers' Review has a definite purpose — I offer extra entries in exchange for Guest Reviews. This does not take much of your time, especially if you are a review blogger.
- All winning contestants will be notified by email within two days of the winning announcement (if an email was provided).
- If I am unable to contact the winner, it is their responsibility to learn of their win. I suggest you do this by becoming a follower. All winners have 52 hours to contact me via email at google(at)gmail(dot)com or a new winner will be chosen (unless otherwise noted)
- Any entries posted after the set deadline will not be counted toward the contest. While I will never close a contest early, I do hold the right of extending contest deadlines
- I choose winners by putting all the information into a numbered spreadsheet and then having either a resident or student pick a number
- All contests are only open to US addresses. I apologize for this inconvenience.
- I often have "Quick Giveaways". These giveaways are of random books that I do not plan on rereading or putting in my classroom — I will post what the giveaway is and the first person to email me a Guest Review wins the book. Again, I suggest you follow Miss Remmers' Review in order to be aware of these great opportunities.
- Be sure to check contest deadlines!
- Be sure to follow contest instructions. Not all contests are as easy as leaving a comment. Entries that do not follow the requirements will be disqualified.