Okay, I SWEAR I have a review ("Passion" by Lauren Kate) ready to go for today. However, I'll be posting that tomorrow as I have an interruption. I don't mean this as a "Look what I got because I'm so much better than you" post because, really, if you know me at all you know that's not my style.
I just love when things work out. In 2011 I read some amazing novels but most notably: "Delirium," "Across the Universe," "Goddess Test," and "Wither." Since then I've had this list on my desk of books I needed to get a hold of — that I couldn't possibly wait for!
But as a "small town" blogger like myself, I figured unless NetGalley was overly generous, most of these books would be in my hands on their release date. But, after some coaxing from a fellow blogger, I decided to at least email some authors to see what they could do and these authors totally came through!
First, "Pandemonium" was sent my way from the Harper Collins.
Next, after speaking to Beth Revis, her publisher sent me a copy of "A Million Suns." Beth also sent me some great swag for students as well!
Then, yesterday I was approved from NetGalley for "Goddess Interrupted." And today, when checking my mail at school, I received a large package from Simon and Schuster containing "Fever" (among other titles I'll mention this week).
Again, this post isn't a "look what I got" post but much more of a "how good is life" post. I think it's amazing that four years ago I never knew that this community and professional relationship could exist and now I'm feeling like I'm on cloud nine and having "squee out loud moments" like today. I'm amazed at how generous the industry is and am so thankful for the opportunities that blogging has given me. Plus, I just really love when things work out this way.
The "Squee" is from Sheila (Book Journey) .