... or should I say The Pick Up? Excuse the pizza reference.
On Saturday night I braved the snow, wind, and ice (true story, I almost died!) to travel to Barnes and Noble on my mission to obtain a precious Nook.
Upon my safe arrival to the Motherland, I was on a mission; but all great missions do need a detour, so I of course looked through the YA section but did not buy (buying ban). When I felt completely down about bidding farewell to all the beautiful books I would not be taking home with me, I went to the front of the store for one more last look-see.
This last look-see took me forty minutes. I know, it's ridiculous. I was up all night of Friday going through my decisions and I had decided on a regular Nook. But once I was there, the Color looked so fancy and nice and... worth it! Then another woman came up, a very nice woman who was also a teacher, and introduced herself. I asked her (Midwesterns aren't afraid to ask the input of strangers) how she felt about her Nook Color. She said she adored it! She used it for everything! She listed all of the amazing programs and capabilities. She vouched for it like I vouch for a good book. She was such a good voice for the Nook Color that I almost walked out with it. Almost.
I realized that all of the things I could do with a Nook Color I can do with my iPod Touch. I tried to tell myself that I could blog and check my Google Reader from the Nook Color, but the fact of the matter is... I don't want to be able to that when I'm reading. I have a hard enough time staying focused when reading what with Twitter, Google Reader, Goodreads, etc! I just want to be able to escape into a novel. I could barely read the text with all the glare in the store, I didn't want to think about the glare when reading outside. So I had to ask myself, "Do you want to be able to do everything else but read, or do you want to read?" The answer was, obviously, I want to read. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty jealous of everyone with a Nook Color, but for me this was the best choice. With my iPod Touch and someday with my iPad, I want a reading device for reading.
So please, welcome to Miss Remmers' Review, Sam — The Nook! Who is now best buddies with Max the Mac!
In case you're wondering — the first book I downloaded was Shannon Delany's "Beasts and BFFs " and the following:
- DEAD(ish) — $0 Barnes and Noble.com
- Danger in the Shadows — $0 Barnes and Noble.com
- The Demon Girl — $0 Barnes and Noble.com
- StarWars (Lost Tribe of the Sith — #1, #2, #3, #4, #5) — $0 Barnes and Noble.com (for D)
- A World Without Heroes — Galley Grab
- One Hundred Candles — NetGalley
- Outside In — NetGalley
- Populazzi — NetGalley
- Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer — NetGalley
- The Glory of Green — NetGalley