I have decided to join the 48 Hour Read-a-Thon hosted by Unputdownables starting today! Since I'm recently All By Myself, I thought this would be a great way to distract myself from my first weekend alone.
Despite having school today, it is Recreational Reading Friday so I will still be participating despite working at the same time!:) I love my life. I started this morning by listening to "Definitely Dead" on audio while showering, straightening my hair, and doing all those other necessary evils. This weekend I hope to finish:
"Definitely Dead"(Sunday)- "The Iron King" (Friday)
- "Uglies"
- "Across the Universe"
Just curious but if the Read-A-Thon goes from the 4th through the 6th... shouldn't it be a 72 hour read-a-thon? I'm not a mathematician.
Are you joining up? If so... comment with a link so I can cheer you on! Happy Friday everybody!
Update #1
Due to Recreational Reading day, I was able to read all day during school and finished (and LOVED) "The Iron King." After school I watched the state One Act Play competition, blog hopped, and then went to see "The Dawn Treader." So it that aspect, I did drop the ball a bit. But it is now 9:25pm and I am home at last. I'm about to shut the computer (really) and take Sam the Nook to bed. Instead of opening "Across the Universe" (like a good blogger), I'm going to read a guilty pleasure romance.
Tomorrow I am judging a speech meet at the HS and would like to watch my hometown (Timber Lake, SD) perform at the One Act as well. But I still hope to listen to at least an hour or two of "Definitely Dead" and finish "Across the Universe." I'll save "Uglies" for Sunday.
Update #2 Well it's Sunday evening and I just finished listening to "Definitely Dead." I didn't get as much reading done this weekend as I had planned. I'm not sure why, I feel like I'm just in a reading funk. But I'm home for the night (I left the Super Bowl party at half time) and have loads to grade before Conferences tomorrow and I still need to watch "The Odyssey" before I show it in class. So, sadly, this is where my read-a-thon ends. With conferences tomorrow I've got to make sure I come prepared. I guess three books this weekend was pushing it a bit; Saturday I judged a speech meet until 1pm and then my cousin came to visit before one-acts and she stayed until 5pm. But still... it could have been worse right?
Happy Reading!