The Best Reader + review

Back to the Basics

Welcome to the Back to the Basics class! If you missed a previous class, here are the links:

  • Insert an HTML direct link to your blog into comments
  • Comment Etiquette
  • Twitter: Relationship Builder and Marketing Connoisseur
Today we are going to continue last week's discussion on Twitter. First of all, ever wonder how other tweeters tweet a link and it doesn't look like Condensing links when tweeting is vital in order to utilize your 140 characters to the maximum potential. Condense your urls by using a URL shortener; a few different (FREE) sites are Google URL Shortener, Tiny Url,, or (my favorite),
I prefer simply because this site remembers all of my shortened links and I find it very easy to use — but to each their own.

Besides saving you characters (that, oh I don't know, you could use to describe your link), it's my opinion that tweets with shorter links look more professional and I'm more likely to click them.

Again, just me, but I'd be much more inclined to click the second link than the first. An easy thing to do is bookmark your favorite URL shortener — this way it's one less step to condense your links. You can even take the character space to @ the author and/or publisher! This is a great way to get in contact with publishers and authors as well!

The other thing about Twitter that I want to mention is tweeting photos. I love clicking links on Twitter for photos — whether the photos be of family, books, snow, whatever! You can of course do this through your smart phone, but you can also do it via your computer with an application like Twitpic. It's easy to use and it adds dimension to your tweets.

I hope these Back to the Basics classes help. The purpose is not to push my thoughts onto others and I am not presuming to know everything or of being this amazing blogger; my hope is simply to help bloggers like myself with what I struggled with as a new blogger. If you have a question that you think I can answer — please fill out the form below.

back to the basics, book, hope, and more:

Back to the Basics + review