For day two of BBRAW we are focusing on a specific moment or a specific reader that has left a permanent positive impact on you. Lately it seems like so much of the negative has been discussed in regards to the blogging community, this is your time to share why you continue to blog (despite the few and far between negative "for instances").
Today commemorate a specific reader or moment in your blogging career that has made a significant difference in your IRL or blogging life. It might be that first comment you ever received, the first follower, the first interaction with a reader of your blog on Twitter, the first time an author commented on a review, etc.You know, there are so many readers that I have built lasting relationships with (especially through my BEA travels) but I'd like to focus on the specific moments. Yesterday I mentioned those first couple of comments and the first regular reader (remember how SCARY that was to think this one person is looking at me, reading what I have written, and obviously WAITING for me to post something interesting?!) — but at what point did blogging become a "job" (albeit one that I adore)?
That first summer I was unable to find employment at the local resorts so I basically hung out on the lake, sipping iced tea, and reading. I walked the dog a lot, I fished a lot, and I read more books that summer than I had since high school. I was posting everyday and often times several reviews a week (oh, how sorry those first reviews actually were). Back then I was probably a better blog writer than I am today because my own responsibility (as I wasn't working) was to read, tweet, and blog.
Today there are so many other things going on! We're in the process of adopting a puppy, I'm learning how to sew, I'm coaching hockey, we're working on our financial stability, we're planning vacations, I'm learning how to cook, I'm trying to keep house, I have two new preps (English 10 and English 12), and the list just continues on. But I still try to find the time to blog, read, and tweet (although some days are more sparse than others).
Well, it'd be nice if I could get paid — but it's simply because through my readers (YOU!) and the blogs I read, I have become part of a community. A community that fosters a love for a hobby that not many people I know IRL share with me. Dan occasionally reads the good book, Button and I talk books a lot, but besides that, without blogging, I feel like I'm on a deserted ocean alone (with only bad books). Because of this community I know what great books are out there before they become movies. Because of this community I've traveled to NYC twice for BEA and have met countless authors, publishers, and agents (not to mention fellow bloggers). And, now especially, this community has given me the confidence to pursue a master's degree in Library Media Information Services (LMIS). YES, this community has impacted my career, my schooling, and, essentially, my life in so many different ways.
But it still comes down to you, the reader. If no one was reading and this more of an online diary, I really don't think any of this would have happened. As I mentioned yesterday, I read for me but I write for you. But if I wasn't writing for you, I'm not sure how much I'd be reading for me... you know? I know that's probably completely ridiculous — but it's the honest to goodness truth. I read because I enjoy it but I also read so that I can share my thoughts with you. So, at least for me, it always comes back to you — the reader. Thank you!
If you write a post for today please link it in the comments below! I can't wait to stop by!
If you're new to BBRAW it's not too late to join in on the fun! Monday's prompt and linky and the MVR competition are still up and running (not literally).