Wow! BBRAW has officially come and gone! Thanks to everyone who participated or stopped by! I've had a great time getting to know some new bloggers and reconnecting with old friends.
You've made it through the week! Thank people for stopping by, thank new readers and old readers, wrap up your giveaway (if you had one), tell who you nominated for as MVR and why (if you feel comfortable), wrap up the first BBRAW experience, and basically celebrate your readers in any way that you like!The MVR Election closed last night! We had some great nominations!
Kimberly @ Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Kimberly always stops by my blog and checks out my facebook posts. She is so sweet and always takes time to read basically anything I post. She always puts a smile on my face. She is probably the biggest supporter of my site and I really appreciate it. She is so awesome and kind.Mari @ Bookworm With A View
I enjoy her comments, we share in many cases very alike reading tastes, she has recommended wonderful books and audio to me — and probably most influential is that her Check Point meme she started this year inspired me to start Team Kickin It. Her advice and encouragement is valued.Jenny @ Alternate Readality
She is the very best commenter ever... and I pretty much think of just talking to her when I'm writing my blog posts.Ryan @ Wordsmithonia
Ryan has become a blogging buddy of mine who not only leaves me thoughtful comments, but also encourages me to try new authors with his great reviews! He's been a longtime follower/reader/friend and the blogging world is a better place because he's in it!Mary @ Bookfan
She is one of the most faithful readers of my blog, nearly since the beginning. I'm proud to call her a friend as well, even though we've never met! Her book preferences are so insync with mine, we often joke that we are sisters from different mothers. She's a wonderful lady!Mindy @ Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
Mindy is always leaving thoughtful and wonderful comments on my reviews and posts. Her comments never fail to make me smile. We all know that when you run your own blog you can get bogged down and not find time to visit other people's blogs and comment, but she is always taking time to connect and comment on other peoples reviews and to reach out positively on twitter.But the MVR of BBRAW 2012 is... (dun dun dun)
Giselle @ Xpresso Reads! Giselle was the only person nominated by more than one person! I'm a new reader of Xpresso Reads due to BBRAW but the fact that two different people nominated her tells me that this is a person I want to connect with! Giselle, congrats on being the MVR of BBRAW 2012!
She always stops by my reviews and leaves thoughtful comments. I see her around at tons of blogs even though she has her own awesome blog to run! She is full of pure awesome!
Giselle is everywhere, leaving comments. Her name caught my eye because of how many times she commented on my blog especially when I didn't have many Followers. As I do my best to comment in the blogiverse, I see her name and cute smile everywhere. She makes socializing a goal and really shares the warm fuzzies of Comments!!!I think BBRAW was a complete success! I feel like I've said the "thanks" that I've been meaning to for so long to all those bloggers and readers who have helped me along the way. I'm thinking next year I'll change it to BBRAW (Book Blog Reader Appreciation Weekend) because I feel like I could be more present and active on the weekend rather than the week (especially in the middle of the winter). But we'll definitely be back next year so keep a look out! Thanks for your support, advice, and guidance in the past two years, hears to two more!!
Winners, look for an email from me before Wednesday (things are a bit busy right now with the trip we're going on tomorrow and picking up Prim on Monday).