I would like to currently interrupt the BBRAW activities for a quick announcement. Remember last January when I proclaimed that I was expecting — well, here we go again!

Remember at the end of January when I mentioned (extremely late at night) that Dan and I had found the above little puppy on BisMan (Bismarck/Mandan's online classified ads)? Well, on Monday morning I called, then I called again, and I called again and never heard back from this lady. On Tuesday I called one more time and, with no answer, I decided the puppy was either no longer available or this was too sketchy to pursue.
A week later (Sunday night) I was online at Petfinder.com and I saw this SAME puppy at the humane society in Jamestown, ND. I emailed the shelter and with an hour had an update on her. Monday was spent emailing back and forth, asking questions about her history, temperament, etc, and talking Dan into going to see her. Late on Monday (2.6) night we set up a time to visit her on Tuesday as Becky (the foster mom) was going to be out of town on Wednesday through Friday) and the weekend didn't work for either Dan or I. So already, this was moving pretty fast.
Right after school on Tuesday, Dan and I got in the car and drove the 1.5 hours to Jamestown to see her. Boy were we surprised! The picture doesn't do this girl justice at all! Of course she was very shy and timid and didn't really want anything to do with Dan or I for about the first five minutes. At that point I was so nervous! I'm not used to dog's who don't have that "golden" personality that screams, "Here I am! Pet me, hold me, love me!"
Forty five minutes later she was playing with us, cuddling with us, and her tail didn't stop wagging. Becky said that on that Saturday they were taking her to a Meet and Greet at the local Petsmart so if we wanted her we should say something soon. We asked Becky for 24 hours to think about it (but really, let's face it, at that point we knew). We drove home and talked about, watched television and talked about, went to bed and talked about it, and on Thursday morning we called Becky and said "We can't live without this dog. She's already a part of our family!"
We didn't go pick her up right away because this weekend we are headed to the Twin Cities for a hockey game (Go Wild!) and while we do have family she could stay with, we didn't want to introduce her to another new environment so quickly. SO, when we return from the hockey game this weekend on Monday we will be stopping by to pick her up in Jamestown! This week and last week has been all about the arrival of PP (potential puppy). We've gotten a kennel, beds, toys (oh, the insanity!), and everything else we can think of! We've submitted our application (including three references) and last night was the home visit.
We decided on the name of PP before we even met her. While working out that original Monday I was thinking of names like Poet, Jazz (her "prior" name was Jasmine), and Prim. I knew Prim would be Dan's favorite because he loved "The Hunger Games" but the more and more I thought about it, I realized how fitting it would be! Prim, the younger sister who was saved from the Games. Prim, who grew from a timid, shy, almost helpless (in Katniss' eyes) into a strong, courageous young woman. How perfect is that!

Isn't she lovely! Expect more posts about our little Prim as the week continues and into next week (maybe even a Vlog appearance).
In case you were curious as to the timeline:
January 29th, 2012: I posted about this dog I had seen BisMan
February 5th: I see the same dog online at PetFinder
February 6th: I email back and forth with Becky. We decide that Tuesday Dan and I will drive down to see her. Name is also picked out — Prim.
February 7th: Dan and I drive to meet Prim for the first time
February 8th: We call Becky and beg her to let Prim into our lives.
February 13th: Two people from the Humane Society visit to make sure we live where we say we live and to talk about the adoption
February 20th: We will be picking up Prim!!!
Has anyone else adopted a dog before? Any advice?