The Best Reader + review

A Conversation with Lauren DeStefano, author of "Wither"

Today is your day to go pick up "Wither" by Lauren DeStefano! Too busy? At work all day? Grab it for your Nook, your Kindle, order it from Barnes and Noble or Amazon to be delivered to your house! This is one of those books you need to get your hands on. Not only did I suffer extreme book mourning over this book but I have continued to gush about it on Twitter and at school after my review was posted! This will be the first eBook I've read that I've had to go out and buy two hard copies of! One for me and one for my students! I don't say this often, but if you're fan of dystopia you have to get a hold of this book.

To celebrate "Wither"'s release day I'd like to post a brief conversation with Lauren DeStefano (provided by Simon and Schuster).

Visit Lauren on the web via Twitter and Goodreads. If you haven't read this book, please pick it up. I don't normally gush this long about a single book and I'm never extremely adamant. But seriously readers, this book gave me an experience that all readers are looking for: that book you can't put down, the characters you can't forget, and the plot that leaves you pleading for more.

book, release, and more:

A Conversation with Lauren DeStefano, author of "Wither" + review