Dogs poop.
Two dogs poop a lot.
Poop needs to be picked up; I refuse too pay for Martha Stewart poop bags so we use Walmart bags. Unfortunately we have been overrun with plastic bags in our garage so when I saw this bag on Pinterest and after evaluating my sewing skills — I figured I'd try this:

I found some great puppy print fabric at JoAnns and without a pattern I basically created the bag. The elastic part wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be so I actually did elastic on both ends so that the bags wouldn't blow out of the top while it was hanging in the garage. I used a half of a yard of fabric for an extremely long bag (perfect for two dogs worth of poop bags).

I'm definitely proud of the finished product.

Speaking of puppies — last week I mentioned Prim's hair cut. Many people wanted an "after" photo — here you go! We weren't expecting the typical "Schnauzer" look so we ended up shaving the "hot mess" that is the Poodle hair on her legs. I think it would have looked better if she were full Schnauzer, but the hair on her legs was just crazy! I do sort of miss her curls so I think we'll have a Schnauzer for the summer and a poodle for the winter:)