The Best Reader + Prim

Puppy Cuteness in a 1 Month Birthday Vlog

I did no snarky fancy editing with comments on this vlog simply because I only had 30 minutes to get it all done and ready. Tonight is stress free night at the high school for teachers (so why am I stressing over being there? Ugh!) and then Prim's hair cut is at 6pm and then hockey at 7:45! So... insert your own snarky remarks — just kidding, I'm sensitive:)

Adoption Day

Adoption Day

Adoption Day — Signing the papers!

Prim and "Daddy" Monday night at home

Prim and Nook Tuesday morning before school

Prim and Pippin's first walk

Prim and Pippin loving the weather


Waiting for Dad to come home

Prim, Pippin, and Pippa (the neighborhood friend)

Prim and Pippin!

book, and more:

Puppy Cuteness in a 1 Month Birthday Vlog + Prim