First of all — everyone go sign up for my giveaway of "Alphatudes. " So far one person has signed up — the odds are in your favor!
Okay, now that I've got that out of the way, I've had quite a week. Monday I joined Sheila and created a Monday post. I wrote reviews of "Jumping Off Swings, " "Mia the Magnificent, " "The Bubble, " and "The Girl Made of Cool. " Carla Buckley also stopped by for an interview — that was exciting! I also finished "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Thirteen Reasons Why" this week — reviews to come soon! All in all, I'm pretty happy with this week's progress.
Still no word yet on the dream job. I was supposed to know LAST Friday, so any day now really. My principal from the school where I did my junior fielding called another principal and gave me an excellent recommendation so I immediately got my application in and with 24 hours later the second principal called to set up an interview for next week (Thursday). So... the job hunt continues!
Tomorrow, on my way back to school I'm going to stop in the Barnes and Noble in Fargo and purchase ONE book — I'm not sure what book yet, but I am purchasing one! Of these, which do you suggest I just cannot go without?
- "Hex Hall"
- "Hush Hush" — I've wanted this one FOREVER
- "The Hunger Games" — Read and loved. I want this for my own classroom!
- "Beastly"
- "Before I Fall"
I have gained two new followers and now have 48 amazing followers. Welcome and thank you!
This week I still need to start/finish "The Postmistress" and "Embellish." But, I may have already started "Catching Fire," I just couldn't help it. But I'm already a third of the way through so hopefully maybe I'll finish it before the middle of the week so I can address books I really really need to get too.
My running "To-do" list:
- Make a Blogaversary button and link it up in the sidebar
- Finish posting all the Guest Reviews sent in from my campaign for reviews
- Read through posts to make sure that they are ready to be looked at by perspective employers (every single post) — Make them professional
- Look at Reviews for spelling/grammar
- Organize Reader (even though I have NO idea how)
- Review "New Moon"
- Review "Percy Jackson" film
- Review "A Christmas Carol"
- Order bookmarks
- Order business cards
- Add customized header
- Empty Old Reader — Starred Items
- Transfer contacts from old to new email address
- Add tags/labels to posts
- Create a Cheat Sheet
- Get rid of "dead" links
- Write my Disclosure Statement
- Update "Series" (Suggestions on good series?)
- Manage Bookmarks (Hot mess! Woa!)
- Add a retweet button to posts — BIG thanks to Emily (@heynocupcake)