Wow, I need to get better about doing my SS posts. These are my favorite posts of the week and I've totally been neglecting them!
I started Student Teaching last week and wrote up my first post (more to follow today and tomorrow).
Blog related — I've added a "label cloud" (see right sidebar) as well as a search bar (see left sidebar). So that's exciting. I've got a great contest going on for Alphatudes — make sure to check it out! This week, due to a prep period everyday and a study hall everyday, I've finished quite a few books (for me anyway): "Alphatudes," "The Bubble," "Mia the Magnificent," and "Girl Made of Cool." Reviews will be up soon!
I went to Sioux Falls yesterday to try on my bridesmaid's dress and listened to "Confessions of a Shopaholic" the whole way there and back. Verdict is still out — but I totally forgot how much I love listening to audio books. Plus, the narration made me want to move to Europe spontaneously. It also got me really excited about entering the working world.
On that note — no word yet on the dream job. I was supposed to know on Friday, so any day now really.
I'm having kind of a rough time. While in SuFu, I of course went to the Barnes and Noble — I haven't entered one of these in forever! There are several books I really want (coming from the girl who never buys books). I would interlibrary loan them, but either they are too new and libraries don't have them or they won't give them to me because the hold list is too long. I ended up purchasing "The Power of Now" because T really liked it and I want to read it and "1000 Best New Teacher Survival Secrets," but I also really REALLY want:
- "Hex Hall"
- "Hush Hush" — I've wanted this one FOREVER
- "The Hunger Games" — Read and loved. I want this for my own classroom!
- "Beastly"
- "Before I Fall"
Also worth mentioning: it's Spring Break. That means everyone has left campus for home. Except me (and the other Student Teachers). Student Teachers must stay and abide by the cooperating school's schedule. Thankfully, I don't have class Thursday or Friday this week and next (so that's nice). So with my residents gone, no campus activities, and T is in Arizona for baseball, I'm excited to relax and enjoy my week. I plan on blog hopping and catching up on some much needed "down time." Also, I need to study for my GRE (I'm taking it on Saturday — eek).
I have gained a new follower and now have 46 amazing followers. Welcome and thank you!
This week I need to start/finish "The Postmistress" and "Embellish."
My running "To-do" list:
- Make a Blogaversary button and link it up in the sidebar
- Finish posting all the Guest Reviews sent in from my campaign for reviews
- Read through posts to make sure that they are ready to be looked at by perspective employers (every single post) — Make them professional
- Look at Reviews for spelling/grammar
- Organize Reader (even though I have NO idea how)
- Review "New Moon"
- Review "A Christmas Carol"
- Order bookmarks
- Order business cards
- Add customized header
- Empty Old Reader — Starred Items
- Transfer contacts from old to new email address
- Add tags/labels to posts
- Create a Cheat Sheet
- Get rid of "dead" links
- Write my Disclosure Statement
- Update "Series" (Suggestions on good series?)
- Manage Bookmarks (Hot mess! Woa!)
- Add a retweet button to posts — BIG thanks to Emily (@heynocupcake)