The Best Reader + TIME

The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight — Kim West

"I'm certain as soon as "my oven is full" I'll be wanting to read and absorb this information." — Miss Remmers

From the Official Website:

"Kim West, LCSW-C, known as The Sleep Lady®, has developed a gentle and effective approach to helping infants and young children learn to put themselves to sleep without letting them "cry it out"—an option that is not comfortable for many parents.

This book, newly revised and updated, tells parents everything they need to know about sleep from newborns up through age five. It helps parents gently guide their young babies into good sleep rhythms from the start, laying the groundwork so that they can learn to “sleep through the night” It gives tips on breast feeding, night weaning older babies, scheduling meals and naps, and helping children discard the “sleep crutches” that make them wake during the night. For older children, the Sleep Lady system helps parents learn when the child is ready to move from a crib to a bed, when to consolidate two naps into one, or how and when to give up naps altogether. It helps parents decide whether, and for how long, to "co-sleep" or "room share," and how and when to move a baby or toddler into his or her own room."

While I do not have children and have none "in the oven," this book was hard to review because it doesn't necessarily pertain to me right now. But I would imagine that one thing new (and seasoned) parents face with their young child(ren) is the issue of sleep. As an outsider, it seems that babies never want to sleep when the parents need to (like at night). This is a book like no other, a book with helpful hints in regards to your babies sleeping habits.

Like I said, this topic doesn't necessarily pertain to me right now, but it was interesting. There were tons of tips I wish I could store in my brain for later use. As a childless adult, sleep is something I crave. I'm a heavy sleeper and I demand a lot of it in order to function. When possible, I can sleep for thirteen hours (true story). So the idea of losing sleep because Baby can't sleep is down right frightening. I can see myself using The Sleep Lady's advice many times "once that time comes." But for now, I can't decide whether or not I should keep this book until hopefully the inevitable happens or if I should pass it on for those who are in dire need of it now. On one side, I have to consider storage — as my life is in a transitional period right now, I'm not really certain where I can store books that I may not need for several years. On the other hand — I'm just certain as soon as "my oven is full" I'll be wanting to read and absorb this information.

So what do I do? Opinions?

Sorry for all the oven jokes. You all meant what I knew.

Originality: 10/10
Ending: NA
Characters: NA
Plot: NA
My reaction/enjoyment: 7/10
Theme: 8/10
Imagery: 9/10
Setting: NA
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 6/10
Overall: 55/65 B

To the FTC, with love: Review Book

book, hope, LIFE, love story, review, and more:

The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight — Kim West + TIME