The Best Reader + TIME

BEA10: Another Day

It's Day Two in NYC and I've been thinking: I've practically been begging people to connect with me and they may have NO idea what I look like! So how can I expect to find someone I know in Times Square when they don't know what to look for! (Insert: Silly Rabbit) So for my amusement and your information

So, everyone, this is me at my graduation party. Today I'm not having as great of a hair day but I am sporting a Minnesota Twins shirt! I'm not sure what Sheila and I will do this morning and afternoon (Strand and TAC tonight) so if you're looking to hang out with two extremely cool (and good looking) Minnesotans in the Big Apple tweet me (@google) and I'll DM my number! If not, I'm sure I'll see you sooner or later!

Happy Monday!

book, book expo america, happy, summer 2010, and more:

BEA10: Another Day + TIME