The Best Reader + novel

It's a Bad World — Spring Blog Carnival

Wow! The Spring Blog Carnival hosted by Candace’s Book Blog, Reading Angel, Pure Imagination, and The Book Swarm is almost at a close!

As I promised last week, today I am hosting the "It's a Bad World" Booth Challenge! We've all at least heard the somewhat annoying yet catchy "It's a Small World" tune that depicts the perfect world with everyone from all different races and backgrounds getting along famously well; where no matter the language, the tune and unity is still strong. In case you would like to walk down memory lane (or experience something all new) — here's a video of the "It's a Small World" ride.

However, lately it seems that life is not so "good." Yes, we've had the Royal Wedding, Osama has been found, and schools getting out (that last one is more for me than anyone else), but our world is still in turmoil. We aren't all singing together in unison and holding hands. We are partaking in polygamy and selling the prettiest girls off to the highest bidder in hopes of impregnating them, we are promoting teenage pregnancies by paying girls to "bump," and at the other of that spectrum we have society telling us that love is a disease and that any kind of emotion will make you crazy! We are sending people into space to fix our societal problems and as a result we have digressed into a social class hierarchy! It almost seems as if we are living in a Dystopian Society!!


[dis-toh-pee-uh] –noun
a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression,disease, and overcrowding.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am referring to the YA genre's biggest literary hit — dystopian literature. After "The Hunger Games" and "Matched" I couldn't get enough of dystopian literature and have been devouring any bit of fiction I can get my hands on! I've joined the Dystopian Challenge in an attempt to read 15 novels this year containing these horrific societies! And here's the kicker: I am definitely not alone! Dystopian fiction has (seemingly) taken over the world! Readers can't get enough and authors are happy to supply it.
My challenge for you is to do one of two things:
  1. Write a post explaining why you think Dystopian fiction is so addicting. Why is everyone reading it? What does it say about our society that we want to read about WORSE societies? Are there any implications dystopian fiction's popularity has on our own society? What say you!!
  2. What is your favorite dystopian novel to date? Why did you like it? How does it stand apart from all the other countlessly recent dystopian novels? Why would you recommend it above all others in this genre?
Once you do this go ahead and fill out the form below so we can all stop by and visit! This Challenge will be open until Monday at noon and the winner will be posted next week. Should a US winner win they will be sent a copy of my favorite dystopian novel (of the moment) — Wither by Lauren DeStefano. Should an International Blogger win, they will be emailed a gift certificate email from Barnes and Noble to order their own favorite dystopian novel!

Yes, this Challenge is therefore INTERNATIONAL.

Also, anyone have any guesses as to the four dystopian novels mentioned at the beginning of this post?

book, happy, hope, LIFE, and more:

It's a Bad World — Spring Blog Carnival + novel