The Best Reader + TIME

Quick Giveaway 5.28.10

From the Official Website:

"Kim West, LCSW-C, known as The Sleep Lady®, has developed a gentle and effective approach to helping infants and young children learn to put themselves to sleep without letting them "cry it out"—an option that is not comfortable for many parents.

This book, newly revised and updated, tells parents everything they need to know about sleep from newborns up through age five. It helps parents gently guide their young babies into good sleep rhythms from the start, laying the groundwork so that they can learn to “sleep through the night” It gives tips on breast feeding, night weaning older babies, scheduling meals and naps, and helping children discard the “sleep crutches” that make them wake during the night. For older children, the Sleep Lady system helps parents learn when the child is ready to move from a crib to a bed, when to consolidate two naps into one, or how and when to give up naps altogether. It helps parents decide whether, and for how long, to "co-sleep" or "room share," and how and when to move a baby or toddler into his or her own room."

The book "up for grabs" this time is a copy of "The Sleep Lady's Good Night Sleep Tight" by Kim West. If you'd be interested in receiving this book all you have to do is email me at google [at] gmail [dot] com with your address AND a review of your favorite book for me to put up as a Guest Review. The first person to do this wins — simple as that. The review can be one that you've used at your own blog — simply copied and pasted. Once I get an email, I'll comment on this post who will receive this great read. Please make sure that I don't already have a review of the book by looking in the left sidebar. I would also really appreciate it, since I did not review this book, if, after reading it, you sent me your review as Guest Review.

Reminder: Please read my Contest Policy — at this time I can only afford to mail books to US addresses. I apologize for this inconvenience.

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Quick Giveaway 5.28.10 + TIME