The Best Reader + summer 2010

BEA10: Meet the Class of 2K10!

There didn't seem to be a WHOLE lot of things going on (at least at the Javits) on Tuesday of BEA. Sheila and I went to the opening ceremony thing, that really sort of turned out to be a bore; so, like any other super excited book blogger, I checked Twitter.

I just happened to see that the Class of 2K10 authors were going to be hanging out in the basement of the Javits for a while giving away SWAG (which I love). So Sheila and I decided to hang around for that. Turns out we were the only ones there (for a while at least) so it was the perfect opportunity to talk to the authors one on one and really enjoy this celebrity treatment.

Tuesday night, Sheila and I went to Books of Wonder to see many of these authors again. It was so great to have already talked to them before because we had already introduced ourselves and I felt like I had buddies there (plus, we were able to get out of the way for all the other anxious people). I left Books of Wonder having only bought two books — "Shade" and "The Secret Year" — I think I did rather well!

I never know what to do with my arms... ?


For my classroom! Now all I need is the book!!!

At Books of Wonder

My dogs love the Class of 2K10 (and others!)
Again, this was another fantastic opportunity that I loved! Many of these authors even volunteered to Skype with my class using my new SmartBoard next Fall and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be taking them up on their offers. These authors expressed such enthusiasm for their novels, their readers, and (most importantly — to me at least) my students.

book, book expo america, fantastic, novel, and more:

BEA10: Meet the Class of 2K10! + summer 2010