The Best Reader + TIME

Looking for Guest Reviewers!

The purpose of this blog is to instill in my future students a passion for recreational reading. If you ask a ninth grader what they are reading, they will mostly likely say nothing. And when you ask why, they will most likely reply they don't know what to read and what is good. This kills me. By posting reviews on this blog, I hope that my future students will use it as a resource to find out what books are out there and what others are saying about them.

If you are interested in being a Guest Reviewer, please email me. It could be a book that you are reading right now or it could even be a book that you have reviewed for your own blog and simply copied and pasted (with a link back to the original post of course). At this time, I can only offer my thanks and gratitude as I do not have the resources to offer prizes. Any book is great, as long as it would be appropriate for the high school level.

Why don't I write all the reviews myself? For several reasons. One, like most other readers I have a particular genre that I like. Not all students will like that genre and I want my students to have access to loads of different genres for young adults. Preferences — whereas I may not like a book — some student somewhere might! I want to give students a wide range of opinions of books. Your opinion matters to students.Time — I am a senior in college and don't necessarily have much time to read and review as many books as I would like.

What are my long time plans for this blog? Ideally, I want my students to use this as a resource. But also, once I have my own students, I want them to be guest reviewers and write about what they are reading and why they did or did not like the book. This will, hopefully, raise a whole new generation of book enthusiastic and book bloggers — and who doesn't want more of that?

What do you, as a guest reviewer, receive? Like I said, I cannot offer prizes due to my lack of resources. But I do link to your blog when your review is posted and in my "Sunday Salon" post for that week. Also, in the right sidebar you may notice a running list of past Guest Reviewers — this lists and links to all of the past Guest Reviewers.

Can I send in more than one review? ABSOLUTELY! Email me as many as you would like. The more the reviews the better!

What do you want, exactly? In your review, tell me what you liked about the book and what you didn't like about the book. Then I want to know who the book is for? Could anyone read the book? Is it more a book for male or females? Please make sure that all reviews and books are appropriate for high school students. This part is optional, but if the student were to read this book and like the book — what else might you recommend for them?

Most importantly, this blog is for my students. Fellow bloggers — you and I have a gift. A love of literature. To you and I, reading comes naturally, but to too many students reading is a chore. I hope to change that.

Please, if you are interested in being a guest reviewer email me. Like I said, I have nothing to offer except my thanks and gratitude. But these students need us — teachers and book lovers. If you are interested — email me at google[at]

Miss Remmers

Disclaimer: I reserve the right to correct grammar in Guest Reviews submitted and omit any language that I feels is inappropriate or unnecessary, this includes swear words and "haha," "lol," or anything that a would be considered "unprofessional".

book, hope, review, and more:

Looking for Guest Reviewers! + TIME