The Best Reader + TIME

What is this "Elitist" Blogger?

Every now and then I hear of this "elitist" blogger. There are, from what I discover, two types of the supposed "elitist" blogger. The "elitist" blogger is either A) a new blogger who assumes that he or she "deserves" ARCs and tons of followers right away or B) a more popular blogger with a significant follower base who receives books from publishers and is therefore (obviously) stuck up and cliquey.

I hear of these "elitist" bloggers from time to time in different posts (generally having to do with whatever drama is currently circling the YA book blogosphere). Now (again, generally) these posts and discussions are pretty heated. These discussions generate loads of discussion and can lead to hurt feelings and nasty words. It seems every couple months there is another incident that is drama driven and results in more posts about the ever elusive "elitist blogger."

This elitist blogger can be (and many times is) eluded to in various Q&A posts when they ask the famous questions like "how do I get more followers" and "I've only been blogging for a month — how do I get publishers to send me books." We've all read these posts and heard of this "elitist" blogger.

Or the elitist successful blogger is verbally attacked in jealous posts.

Now, I have been blogging for a year and the truth of it is: I have heard of this "elitist" blogger many times throughout the past 12 months but I have yet to meet this blogger (either A or B). I've read the Q&As where the new "elitist" blogger is chastised for expecting everything to be given to them (books and a strong follower base) and posts about how unfair it is that the successful elitist blogger has everything.

My question to you is have you ever met either the new or the successful elitist blogger? Or is the idea of the "elitist" blogger a made-up concept? A concept driven to either attack successful bloggers by making them out to be cliquey, possessive, and exclusive or the new blogger to be arrogant and all about the "gimme."


book, drama, and more:

What is this "Elitist" Blogger? + TIME