Today, I'd like to welcome my very first Guest Author Interview — Lizzy Armentrout.
A couple weeks ago (I'm never good with time in the summer) I was lucky enough to win "A Vengeful Spirit" (Shelly Gale Mystery: Book 1) from @lizzyarmentrout via Twitter. After 'twittering' with Lizzy a little I finally had the courage to ask her to by my first Guest Author! So everyone, please welcome Lizzy Armentrout!
Lizzy, tell us about you.
I’m very excited to be asked to do this interview with you; thank you so much for asking me. I’ve been an avid reader of all mysteries since I started reading Nancy Drew in 5th grade. I’ve been a 6th grade school teacher for several years and have taught for 20 yrs this coming fall. My husband and I care for my dad, who has Alzheimer’s, and my step-mother, who is a stroke victim. We have one adopted daughter, Bethany, and two very spoiled dogs. I’m very active in my local church and have taught many different Sunday School classes & am very involved in the music ministry there. The one event in my life that has had a profound effect on me is the unexpected death of my mother when I was 11 & almost losing my father to a brain tumor 3 months after that. You can read all about that on my site.
What was it like writing this book?
It was a very relaxing experience; that is, after I actually sat down and started doing it. I love to write in longhand and would sit in the living room while the family was watching tv and write. I would become so involved in the characters that I would actually forget where I was and what was going on around me!
How long did it take you to write "A Vengeful Spirit"?
It took me about 1 ½ years to write the entire 1st rough draft. I had to stop several times due to work and family demands. Fitting writing in to my schedule can be very challenging at times. I had three very close friends who I would send three chapters at a time to so I could get their input and reactions. That really helped me to see the work through a reader’s eyes.
Where did the idea for this book come from?
My husband! Really! I’ve bought many, many books over our 19 yr. marriage, and I was complaining to him that the Christian bookstores don’t have enough contemporary mysteries coming out often enough. His solution? “Well, write your own.” I just laughed at him. But that seed was planted and three years later God put an idea in my head based upon my experiences as a schoolteacher, and A Vengeful Spirit was born. Although I didn’t tell anyone, even my husband, that I was writing anything until I had three chapters completed. I needed to prove to myself that I could actually get my thoughts down on paper.
Any advice for aspiring authors?
Don’t spend so much time reading “How To” books. If you have a desire to write and an idea for a story, then pick up the pen and just start writing. Don’t get hung up on the revising until you’re well into the book. I’ve seen too many “aspiring” author websites of people who are caught up in reading what other authors have to say about writing. No author is going to write in the same way. Find what works for you and get going. One last thing, I started out self-publishing. Don’t do it! Be patient and keep working to get a respected publisher; you’ll get much better results.
Thank you SO much Lizzy. I just finished "A Vengeful Spirit" and will be working on my review. Also, I'd like to pass this book on to more readers by hosting my very first contest! It only seems right, it's the first book I won, consequently my first interview, why not go for the whole nine yards and have a contest too! Stay tuned to hear about the contest at the beginning of the week!
Again, Lizzy — thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. If you want to learn more about Lizzy check out her website and her testimonial (it's worth it!) and follow her on Twitter via @lizzyarmentrout.