"When reading this novel I was enjoying a good read. When I wasn't reading it, all I could think about was the next time I could!" — Miss Remmers
From Amazon.com...
"Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie's estranged father--an elusive European warlock--only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it's her dad who decides her punishment: exile to Hex Hall, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, faeries, and shapeshifters.
By the end of her first day among fellow freak-teens, Sophie has quite a scorecard: three powerful enemies who look like supermodels, a futile crush on a gorgeous warlock, a creepy tagalong ghost, and a new roommate who happens to be the most hated person and only vampire on campus. Worse, Sophie soon learns that a mysterious predator has been attacking students, and her only friend is the number-one suspect.
As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her."
This was one of those books I had to have. I didn't know much about the premise, but the cover alone was enough to make me yearn for this book. After much inner-battling (as a broke college student), I purchased my own copy of Hex Hall. It wasn't until the fourth of July, however, that I finally had a chance to sit down and read this novel. We were at a lake and it was too windy to do any of the fun water sports so I, naturally, went out on the dock with a book! My book of choice (obviously) was "Hex Hall."
This will be an odd review because, while I loved this book, I can't really put a finger on what exactly I loved about it. The premise, while much like "Harry Potter," was predictable with a twist at the end. This predictability didn't bother me and I found myself actually looking for the similarities between the two novels. I also appreciated that the author recognized the similarities in a line (I don't have my book with me or I'd quote it) about "Hogwarts." The twist on the last page made my reading skin shiver with anticipation for the next novel.
The characters were likable and real. I loved the idea of vampire student at school as an outcast; with the recent fame of Twilight and Sookie, it's refreshing to have a different, less popular, view of vampires in a literary sense. I fell in love with Sophie's character — the girl's got spunk!
The plot and setting of the novel was fantastic — it's what kept me reading! The plot was fast paced, keeping this book fun and a page turner.
While reading this book I encountered something that I never have before; when reading this novel I was content, when I put the novel down (for food, for fun, for spending time with actual people) my mind kept wandering back to Sophie and her predicament. While this sounds odd and contradictory, I loved this book more when I wasn't reading it than when I was! (That sounds awful doesn't it! I mean it like this... ) When reading this novel I was enjoying a good read. When I wasn't reading it, all I could think about was the next time I could! Hawkins has somehow found a way to write an unforgettable novel, in my opinion. I am very excited for book two!
Originality: 6/10
Ending: 8/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 9/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Setting: 5/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10 (The reason I HAD to have this book!)
Overall: 93/100 A
To the FTC, with love: Bought