My Mission is to instill in students a passion (and love) for recreational reading.
As a future English teacher, I am constantly looking for a wide range of books to put in my classroom. My teaching philosophy is this: While I enjoy the 'classics' as much as any one else, I want to instill in young readers a passion for recreational reading. The only way to do this is to find books that students want to read, that they won't be able to put down, and that will leave them begging for more.
Once a teacher, I want to teach contemporary novels in my classroom along with the classics; a balance between classical and contemporary literature is absolutely necessary to develop passionate young readers. Please, keep me (and my future students) in mind if you have or know of a novel that is appropriate to be taught in a classroom. A novel that students (both male and female) can relate to is hard to come by and I'd love your input.
If you are a book lover and a book reviewer — please look at how to become a Guest Reviewer. Please, help me on my mission to spread the love of literacy to hesitant and reluctant readers. It is my belief, that those with a love of literature have to duty to those without to do to all that they can to help this love bloom.