Well, mom and I went to see "My Sister's Keeper" last night. And while yes, this is a book blog — this movie is based off of a most beloved book, so a review is in order.
I know I'm not the only fan of the book to be disappointed by the movie. Yes, I cried. Yes, it was a heart warming (and wrenching) film. I found myself loathing Sara Fitzgerald (Cameron Diaz). I was happily surprised with this, because I'm a fan of Diaz, I sort of assumed she'd soften the role. But she played "evil" very well. Okay, maybe not evil — but if you've read the book you know what I mean.
I was also delightfully surprised at the amazing character of Kate (Sofia Vassilieva). And... well actually the WHOLE cast was amazing! So that's not the reason I was disappointed. And it's not because the ending was changed — I went in to the theater knowing that after reading this at Jodi Picoult's website:
"Yes, I know the ending is different. Yes, I know some of you are very upset. I didn't change it. The author has no control over the movie, and it was hard for me to accept too. However, there's a great deal in the movie that I think is great, and I enjoyed watching it — and I hope you did too. Please don't email me asking why I changed the ending, or "let" Hollywood do that — it wasn't something I had any control over."
It was more about how the film was portrayed. I didn't like all the random 'time switching' without any heads up or clues to what year it was. It made it extremely hard to follow, in my opinion.
Okay, I won't lie. When I got out of the theater, if I hadn't have read the above post — my mom and I both would have sent angry (more frustrated than angry I guess) emails. I thought they ruined it with the changed ending — ruined the book, I mean. I was just very disappointed in such the drastic change that was made. For those of you who haven't read the book — read it first. You won't be disappointed. Until you see the movie — and then you will be.
Any one else's thoughts on the movie or book? Don't give anything away!