From Amazon.com...
"Life has been good for Becky Bloomwood: She’s become the best personal shopper at Barneys, she and her successful entrepreneurial boyfriend, Luke, are living happily in Manhattan’s West Village, and her new next-door neighbor is a fashion designer! But with her best friend, Suze, engaged, how can Becky fail to notice that her own ring finger is bare? Not that she’s been thinking of marriage (or diamonds) or anything... Then Luke proposes! Bridal registries dance in Becky’s head. Problem is, two other people are planning her wedding: Becky’s overjoyed mother has been waiting forever to host a backyard wedding, with the bride resplendent in Mum’s frilly old gown. While Luke’s high-society mother is insisting on a glamorous, all-expenses-paid affair at the Plaza. Both weddings for the same day. And Becky can’t seem to turn down either one. Can everyone’s favorite shopaholic tie the knot before everything unravels?"
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
I think I've finally got my Becky fix.
Like I've said consistently about the Shopaholic books, I don't like the main character. I find Becky to be self-centered and selfish. She continually makes a mess of things, and while it all works out in the end, she never learns her lesson! It was during this book as well that I began to dislike Luke too; he barely paid attention to Becky and fell into this sort of depression that, to me, said they should call off the wedding all together and let him work on his issues.
The plot drives these books and does a fantastic job of taking hold of readers and keeping them interested. Fast paced and full of cliff hangers and twist, the plot is the highlight of this book. Despite not like the main characters (Becky or Luke in this novel), I couldn't help but need to find out what would happen next and how it would all work out.
But, as I said, I think I've finally had my fix. While "Shopaholic and Baby" looks interesting, "Shopaholic and Sister" (the fourth novel) doesn't grab my interest at all. The Shopaholic books are fun, light reads that are purely for enjoyment. It was perfect listening to these books while working around the house and driving around the Midwest, but I think it's time for me to hang up my plastic.
Yes, that was a pun.
Originality: 10/10
Ending: 9/10
Characters: 4/10
Plot: 10/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 6/10
Theme: 8/10
Imagery: 10/10
Setting: 5/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 3/10
Overall: 80/100 B-
To the FTC, with love: Library Loan