Okay, it's official — I have pretty much caught the Twilight bug. be cautioned — there are a few spoilers in here.
So first, let's change things up. What I didn't like about it... I don't like the casting. As mentioned before, I don't think Kristen Stewart is right for Bella (although she did grow on me since the first time I saw the film). And (now, no one go crazy when I say this) but I don't know if I like Robert Pattinson as Edward either. Maybe it's not that he's wrong for the part — it could be that I just don't find him physically attractive (gasp!).
I would have liked to see more interaction between the rest of the Cullens' and Bella. Especially when they first meet her and towards the end between Bella, Alice, and Jasper. Especially Alice. I really would have loved to see Alice and Bella in the hotel conversing — I was looking forward to that. It also would have been nice to see the whole part with Alice tricking Bella into going to the Prom. And I missed seeing Eric, Tyler, and Mike fall over Bella. And it would have been nice to see Edward a little bit more jealous — you really had to look for it in the film, very subtle.
Also, I would have liked it to be more like the book when Edward shows himself in the light — he seems so angry. I didn't get that feeling from the book — it felt more like he was relieved to be able to share it with her.
And finally, I wish that they would have showed us the struggle Edward had to overcome in order to be close to Bella — like the part in the book where he rests his head of her heart. It seemed so vital in the book because it was something that Edward had to do in order to find out how strong he was. I also wish they would have at least mentioned Jasper's ability.
And now for what I liked.
I LOVED Charlie! He was the best part of the entire film! He brought the necessary comedic relief to such a heavy film. Just — AMAZING. It broke my heart when Bella said those awful things to him. That look on his face — tragic. But really — definitely my favorite character of the film.
I loved Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie, Alice, Esme, and Carlisle. Really — they were perfect. I think I may have a slight crush on Jasper and Emmett. I wish they would have played up Emmett a little bit, I think he would have been great comedic relief too. The baseball scene (before James) was definitely my favorite part of the film. Edward wasn't being all down and brooding and the rest of the family was having a great time.
I really liked the apple bit too — in the lunchroom.
And if you read my review from the book, you'll be glad to know that I absolutely loved that I couldn't hear all of Bella's thoughts and therefore I wasn't constantly being reminded that she's a klutz. So that was a relief.
And I'll just mention it again, I loved Charlie. And the Cullens (sans Edward). And one question: Spider Monkey? I don't remember that from the book.
Update: I just watched the extended scenes, and I think all of them should have been included in the movie except the one where they tear apart Waylon. Didn't need to see that.