The Best Reader + TIME

Award 8.7.09

So much thanks to Gofita's Pages for awarding me with this 'rocking' award — that's a pun, get it? I am so excited, especially since it's my birthday! So happy birthday to me and thank you, again, to Gofita's Pages. I'm new to the blogosphere and my experience has been awesome. I've met so many new people, found out about some amazing books, and I've aquired some awesome reads. I'm so excited to have been giving this 'rocking' award — is the pun getting old yet? Okay, I'll stop.

I'd like to pass on this award to everybody — but in order to keep this post from reaching a crazy length — I've sort of narrowed it down. Sort of.

Cassie from Happy Book Lovers Blog. She's so enthusiastic to help me! Thank you for your support.

Nicole from Books and Bards. I also look forward to reading her posts and I love it when she comments on mine — she always has something exciting to say. And she's this week's Guest Reviewer!

Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews. Thank you so much for taking such an interest in my mission. I can't thank you enough.

Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books. Probably one of my best friends in the blogosphere. I know I say this ALL the time — but I really love the Coffee Cup posts.

Megan at writemeg. I love her posts — always something intriguing at worthwhile going on at her blog.

Fiona at a reader's random ramblings. So friendly! I love it!

Joanne from Slice of Life. She has an awesome contest going on for a copy of Vision in White by Nora Roberts (hurry up, contest ends today!) But besides that — she's the most faithful commenter I have and I love it and really appreciate it!

And to all those who I missed — so very very sorry! You know I think you rock anyway! Thanks again to Gofita's Pages for this awesome award!

award, best, book, happy, LIFE, review, and more:

Award 8.7.09 + TIME