The Best Reader + TIME

Benny and Shrimp Quick Giveaway


"Why is it so impossible to get a relationship between two middle-aged misfits to work? The answer lies in the story of Shrimp, a young widowed librarian with a sharp intellect and a home so tidy that her jam jars are in alphabetical order; Benny, a gentle, overworked milk farmer who fears becoming the village’s Old Bachelor; and an unlikely love that should not be as complicated as it seems."

Well, I've sent "A Vengeful Spirit" to Wanda in Canada and am now looking to find a new home for "Benny and Shrimp." I don't want to host ANOTHER giveaway at the same time as the "My Name is Will" Giveaway so this is going to be really simple.

I'll send a (once read) copy of Katarina Mazetti "Benny and Shrimp" to the first person who emails me at missremmeres [at] gmail [dot] com. All you need to do is include your address AND a review of your favorite book that you'd like to 'pass on' as a Guest Review. This is really simple — check out this post to find out what is necessary. You can simply copy and paste from your own blog (with a link) or if you really want to be lazy (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!) simply put the direct URL to your review and I'll do the work. It's that easy. I'll comment on this post once I receive the first email and the book will be on it's way within two days. Open to both US and Canada Residents!

UPDATE: My 1000th visitor stopped by about ten minutes ago! Thank you for stopping by everyone!

UPDATE 8/8: Sharon, also Friday's Guest Reviewer, is the proud new owner of "Benny and Shrimp!" It will be in the mail on Monday and her review of "Chin Up, Honey" will be posted in mid September sometime! Thank you so much Sharon! Check out her blog!

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Benny and Shrimp Quick Giveaway + TIME