Yes, folks — I'm taking a trip down memory lane. Remember the days of Neopets and online communities via forums rather than blogs and Google Reader? Anyone remember HOL — Virtual Hogwarts?
I found this online community when it had just opened in 2001 (it is now celebrating TEN years!) and joined right away as my own way to get closer to Potter (because, really, don't we all want that even now). But after a few days and and signing up for a few classes (yes — classes!) HOL somehow became overwhelming to my freshman-self.
But now ten years later I've decided to try it again in another attempt to remain close to all that is Hogwarts and Potter. While I wait for Pottermore to officially open for the masses, HOL is the perfect place to immerse myself into an online community other than book blogging (although I love you all — it's just different is all).
But what is HOL? It's hard to explain — you may just need to visit. It's a complete virtual Hogwarts where you register and then are sorted (I'm in Gryffindor!) into the appropriate house. Late (I think mid-August) you sign up for classes in order to earn two quills (necessary to move onto the next level of this role-playing community — Year 2). You can play Quidditch — a trivia based game on all that is Potter — in order to win points for your House. There are chat rooms, common rooms, book clubs, other clubs, and loads of other opportunities to connect. I can see why my 15 year old self became overwhelmed! This community is vast and intricate! It's not extremely user-friendly and it's easy to get confused as it is difficult to navigate.
So, anyway, we'll see how long I can keep this up (as if I needed another outlet to take up my time). But if you're interested in learning more check out the HOL Wiki and if you decide to register and join up — add me as a friend! Find me under Gryffindor — Molly Black (no relation to Sirius — I kind of modeled it after Holly Black without thinking of the surname implications).
Did anyone else besides me play HOL as a kid? Do you share my thoughts of being overwhelmed? Are you willing to give it a go again?