Well, like I predicted last week — I didn't get much done this week. Didn't even dent my to do list really. I did finish "Breaking Dawn," finally. Look for a review early this week. I also received a BBAW nomination for Best General Review Blog. I am so excited for this nomination! Thank you!
I am still at 26 followers — but totally loving it!:) I also received an email from CSN Stores about possibly reviewing or giving away a book shelf — so stay tuned!
This week's Guest Review was "Sugar Time" by Momma Remmers! If you're interested in submitting a Guest Review — please find out how. Bianca, from Wicked Good Books, won the copy of "Sugar Time."
I have one more week before residents arrive (so excited!) and I'd like to at least finish "Night of Flames" by Douglas W. Jacobson because I need to review that before Sept for the blog tour. I've been dealing with some 'boy' issues lately (when that happens I generally retreat to a book) so it would also be nice to start in on "Eighth Grade Bites". But we'll see.
Happy Sunday everyone!
What did you finish this week?