The Best Reader + review

Award 9.18.09

Thanks to Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews, I received another award! Wow — I am on fire. It feel so good not to be forgotten — granted I've had scheduled posts everyday, but I have over 1000 posts to read in Reader soon because of RA Training. Thank you so much Sharon for this award!

I'm focusing on bloggers who are new to Miss Remmers' review — I really appreciate you! (All of you are awesome!)

Sharry from Always Dreaming — This girl always has something awesome to say! I love reading her comments.
Leslie from That Chick That Reads — Again, awesome commenter! Plus she's a fellow English Major!
Jasmyn from Jasmyn's Stuff — A relatively new blogger who is so considerate and thoughtful.
Myckyee from BookBound — A very thoughtful blogger who deserves some recognition.

award, book, and more:

Award 9.18.09 + review