"Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing."
To celebrate Banned Books Week, Sheila from Book Journey asked me to vlog about my favorite book passage. It just happens that I'm teaching "To Kill a Mockingbird" this week so it worked out perfectly. Please ignore the "hot mess" pony tail and lack of "put-together-ness."
I really think that quote is perfect for all that is Banned Books Week (seriously, try saying that five times fast). What's your favorite Banned Book passage? What would life be like if someone (first gave you time to read and then) took reading away via censorship and book banning?
I think banning books is a complete paradox as it does the exact opposite — much like prohibition. What think you?
Do you remember when you learned to read? I don't really. I remember beginning to place letters to words — but I don't really have a specific memory.
If you haven't read TKM before — my giveaway is up until Saturday evening for a chance to win a copy! US only.