To celebrate the beginning of Banned Books Week, I am participating in the annual Banned Books Week Hop hosted by Reader/Writer. You DON'T have to follow to participate. I'm simply trying to spread the love of my favorite banned book (that I'm currently teaching), "To Kill a Mockingbird."

I hadn't read this book until I taught it last year and it was one of those books I thought I'd hate — it's old, out dated, and irrelevant. But it's not. Yes, I'll admit that the book is lacking a "hook" and that it definitely starts off slow — but if you haven't read this book (in particular) this giveaway is for you.

This particular hop is only open to US residents and ends October 1st (next week). Stay tuned this week for other Banned Book Week posts!
Read my Teacher's Review of TKM and my personal review of TKM.