Picture was politely stolen from Sheila at Book Journey
Early last Spring, even before BEA, I was googling book-ish events in the MN area and happend across the Twin Cities Book Festival on October 16th (I know, who even knew!?!). I immediately emailed Sheila, who also didn't know this was going on, and together we decided we had to meet up!
It's now the middle of September and we are beginning to work out the details for a Midwest Book Blogger Meet Up. We have blocked hotel rooms at the Ramada on Lyndale Ave in Minneapolis for Friday, October 15th, and Saturday, October 16th. If you'd like to reserve a room please email me at google at gmail dot com and I'll get you the information. Single and Double rooms are the same price for $89 a night ($101.71 with tax). So for $51a night you can hang out with us!! If you are coming alone and would like to room with someone, please let me know in your email. This is the first time we're doing this so it's still in the experimental stage, but if everything works out perfectly we will find everyone a roommie. The Ramada is about ten miles from the Book Festival location, but it's extremely nice (Sheila and I stayed there before BEA) and it is easy to find. There's a Borders within walking distance (a block) and plenty of places to eat nearby. The Mall of America is just down the road as well. We are only able to block the rooms until October 7th, so please email me soon if you're looking for a room! You don't have to stay Friday and Saturday in order to block a room.
As for the schedule, it's still developing. We're hoping to have a fun "official" meet up on Friday night (the 15th) with area authors and publishers; stay tuned for more information. We could then carpool to the Festival on Saturday morning. We could spend Saturday evening hanging out, blogging our experiences, and talking books at the hotel or we could visit area bookstores etc. If you do not wish to head back home until Sunday morning, have no fear you won't be alone: Sheila and I will be staying another night. This is all very tentative at the moment; but what we do know for sure is this:
If you are interested in this please email me at google at gmail dot com and I will send you more information as it comes available. If you know of any Book Bloggers who are in this area please let them know about this meet up. It would be fun to meet some of you!Rain Taxi proudly announces the TENTH annual
Saturday, October 16, 2010
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Minneapolis Community & Technical College,
conveniently located in Downtown Minneapolis.
in my blog for directions and mapSpectacular Authors * All-Day Exhibit * Used Book Sale
Children’s Pavilion * Great Panel Discussions * Lit Mag Fair
Here is a link to what is happening so far in the Book Festival.