The Best Reader + sunday salon

Sunday Salon 9.20.09
The Sunday

Compared to last week... I have finally stepped up!:) Thank you all for remaining so patient with me — I'll definitely require this patience until May. I reviewed The Night of Flames. I finished "The Lovely Bones" and "Thanksgiving at the Inn" and have just started "Everything Sucks" and I'm currently an hour into "Lost in Austen". So I hope to get a lot accomplished tomorrow. AND — this week I received TWO awards! "Let's Be Friends" from Sharon at Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews and "Who Loves You Baby" from Gofita's Page s. What a great week for awards! Thank you!

Still at 29 followers — Thank you!

To celebrate Banned Books Week 2009 I am offering 15 (now 13) "I Read Banned Books" buttons in exchange for reviews. Super simple — check it out!

This week's Guest Review was Northern Lights by Scarlett, From the Heart! If you're interested in submitting a Guest Review — please find out how.

My goal for this week is to finish "Lost in Austen", "Everything Sucks", and start "A Duty to the Dead".

This week I'll be taking off for a Texas Wedding on Thursday, but I'll try to get some posts scheduled so no one thinks I've given up on them!:) Thank you all so much! I miss our late night talks!

Happy Sunday everyone!

What did you finish this week?

award, book, happy, hope, review, and more:

Sunday Salon 9.20.09 + sunday salon