The Best Reader + happy

Bookshelf 11.3.09

Well, it's been awhile since my last book shelf picture post! So I thought I'd update everybody!

Okay, so I took these pictures at the beginning of October (note all the Halloween decorations). But, I feel like it's they are fair pictures. In the picture to in the upper right hand corner you'll see all the Harry Potter books I've been reading along with "The First Thirty Seconds," "Mr. Darcy's Dream," and "Frankenstein." In the upper left hand corner is the entire bookshelf:) fan, ipod, and all! And below you'll see my TBR pile and textbooks. The HUGE yellow Literature book — yea, I had to create an entire curriculum. It was intense.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

book, book shelf, and more:

Bookshelf 11.3.09 + happy