The Best Reader + TIME

November 2011: A Month of Redemption

As November comes to a close, I'm looking back on the month as a month of redemption. This post marks my 20th post of the month — a "post mark" I haven't hit since the summer months. Winter is always rough on me; when I was in school I had work and activities and now as a teacher I find that I spend more time preparing for school than I did doing my homework as a student.

Not only has my blogging been sort of put on hold the past few months but reading as well; I've only written two reviews this month (a fact I'm a bit embarrassed of) but I've written loads of posts that have basically been on my To Write list for months (like February). For example, I've been meaning to write the What's In A Name post since June (obviously).

I'm not sure how much reading/blogging time I'll be able to fit in during December, but for the first time in a few months I am feeling redeemed as a blogger. So here's to finishing the year strong!

book, review, and more:

November 2011: A Month of Redemption + TIME