The Best Reader + TIME

Cracked Up to Be — Courtney Summers

"Courtney Summers has successfully created a universal character that anyone can relate to on some level." — Miss Remmers


"Perfect Parker Fadley isn’t so perfect anymore. She’s quit the cheerleading squad, she’s dumped her perfect boyfriend, and she’s failing school. Her parents are on a constant suicide watch and her counselors think she’s playing games…but what they don’t know, the real reason for this whole mess, isn’t something she can say out loud. It isn’t even something she can say to herself. A horrible thing has happened and it just might be her fault. If she can just remove herself from everybody--be totally alone--then everything will be okay... The problem is, nobody will let her."

This book is a beautiful, heart breaking, honest read. The plot and the characters are flawless. I feel like I know Parker, Chris, Becky, Jessie, and Jake. I haven't felt so connected to the characters (all of them, even the secondary characters) for such a long time. The most impressive aspect of the book, in my opinion, is the distinct voice or tone. I loved the dialogue (especially in regards to Parker). Besides the dialogue, the overall tone of the novel is witty but real. Sometimes when characters are witty they lose the realness (who is ever really that witty anyway). But Courtney Summers successfully created a witty and real character.

The plot was catching, I had to find out what happened; I told myself one more chapter and then finally had to shut the book (in order to sleep) eight chapters later. I cried more than once and Parker's pain and I was able to follow her train of thought (scary, I know). I saw a lot of myself in Parker, not the suicidal part, but the "perfect"/anal retentive/ type A personality part. But the other part of her, the guilty and hurting part, anyone could relate to. It is precisely this, I think, that makes this book a phenomenal read. Courtney Summers has successfully created a universal character that anyone can relate to on some level.

I'm sad that this is a library book and that I have to return it. Despite the bit of foul language and the minute allusions to sex — I think this book would be a great book to inspire a non-reader to read recreationally. I will definitely be purchasing a copy for my classroom. And while I was going to wait a while to read "Some Girls Are" — I think I'll read it next!

Favorite Quote:
"I've never met a girl so content to be a growth" (124).

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Cracked Up to Be — Courtney Summers + TIME