The Best Reader + reading challenge

Dystopia Challenge: 2011
Dystopia Challenge

I've decided to join the Bookish Ardour's Dystopia Reading Challenge! From January 1st to December 31st, 2011 I hope to read the following 15 Dystopian novels to qualify for the Contagion Level (15 books). There is an extra book, just in case I can't put the genre down. I really want to thank There's A Book for recommending this challenge to me! I am SO excited to get started!

  1. Outside In
  2. Inside Out
  3. Across the Universe
  4. Delirium
  5. Enclave
  6. Bumped
  7. Wither
  8. The Giver
  9. The Adoration of Jenna Fox
  10. Ashfall
  11. The Pledge
  12. Pandemonium
  13. The Maze Runner
  14. Crossed

book, hope, novel, and more:

Dystopia Challenge: 2011 + reading challenge