5. If you could share your thoughts or feelings with bloggers, what would you tell them?

I would give them a giant HUG! (You know, if they were okay with that. If not, then a hearty handshake or at least an appreciative nod.) Reviewing books and doing it well is hard. I am in awe.
Thanks again for inviting me to your big party! — Jeri Smith-Ready

THANK YOU!!!! — Nancy Holder

I guess what I just said – bloggers shouldn’t ignore or take for granted their role in the book community. If you have a decent following, you’re affecting the lives of others, including both authors and readers… as well as editors, publicists and anyone else who has worked or somehow invested in the book you’re discussing. Even if you’re just getting started and your followers are currently only real-life friends and family, what you put on your blog can be found by the world. I preach to writers about being careful what they say on their blogs and in other social media because once it’s out there, it’s there forever and for anyone to see. And it’s all a representation of them. The same goes for book bloggers. Even if you’re small and unknown now, you never know what might happen in the future and what you say now will still be there then. Think about what you’re doing and how it could affect other people, including yourself. Remember that an author’s book, especially their debut, is their baby. They’ve put their heart and soul, along with blood, sweat and tears into it. They may have worked years on it and they have put their last ounce of energy and self-worth into this book. And all of that can feel like it’s destroyed with a single negative comment. If you don’t like the book, you can say, “This book was horrible, the author is a fraud and should go back to their day-job” or you can say “This book wasn’t for me.” Which kind of image do you want to project? Do you want to be the person who says, “Hey, your baby is fat and ugly. You should never reproduce again”? I’d hope you’d never say that to someone’s face. If you’re going to say it on your blog, you’re building a certain reputation for yourself, just like you would in the real world. If that’s the reputation you want, then go for it, but remember, that’s the reputation you’ll get and keep. Think about what kind of image you want to project to readers, authors, the publishing community and the world at large and then be genuine to that image. And most of all, stay true to your passion – your love of reading and sharing the stories you love with others. — Kristie Cook

Thanks! You guys rock. You provide so much value to our Internet community and ask for very little in return. A bit of postage here and there, an ARC or some swag, most of which you unselfishly send back to your loyal followers with your contests and giveaways. All of our lives are richer for you being there. Please continue to keep us informed on what is going on, what you like and don’t like and why, what you’re reading, watching on TV and at the movies. As an author, I am keenly aware of the hours that you dedicate to your blogs. You are a mirror to our readers and that’s so very cool. So thanks and please keep writing! — Jana Oliver

I went through a lot of emotions talking to bloggers – and I’ve finally come to this conclusion: The reviews on blogs are for readers. It’s nice if bloggers love my book; if they don’t, it’s not my business. I want to say also that I appreciate the amount of work bloggers face: a mountain of books, readers expecting reviews, authors and publishers hounding. Blogs are a great way to make friends, to share your opinion, to express yourself in a wonderfully creative way. I think bloggers should continue with their awesome labor of love. A big round of applause for all of you! And Happy Anniversary to you, Jessica. — Julie Chibbaro

Oh, this is easy! Keep on doing what you're doing, because not only is it a beautiful support for emerging authors, it's also doing a wonderful service, spreading your passion for reading to all generations… keeping books in people's hands and on their e-readers! — Janenifer DeLucy

You know what I like best about you? Your commitment to great books. Even if we don’t have the same opinions, and even if we don’t love the same books, we have a common bond. I’m glad the conversation continues and that you are right there at the forefront. — Holly Cupala

Thank you!!! You all rock! — Beth Revis

I want to tell bloggers that I truly appreciate them and everything they do. — Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

I'd tell bloggers to keep going what they love. Even if you don't have the biggest blog out there, the time you spend on it still makes a difference. Hearing that you enjoyed a book can really make an author's day, which is one of the major reasons why I even started writing in the first place. Books are supposed to be about enjoyment and entertainment, and we do our best to come up with something clever and unique for you. It's nice when it works out the way we intend it. So keep up the great work!
I'll close with a huge congratulations to Jessica for a fabulous year of blogging! Between her schoolwork and her family, I'm surprised she's not forced to eat in the shower to conserve time, but she manages to put together an amazing blog showcasing lots of up-and-coming authors. I hope your next year is just as incredible! Thank you, Jessica! — Jason Letts

Most bloggers are so professional, thankful, polite and follow-through with what they say they'll do. I've only found a handful of those who have a chip on their shoulder and write snarky reviews or get so unindated with books, they forget to do as they promised. One thing that irks me is review policies that say"I will do my best to review books, but I might be able to get to them all" especially if they ASKED for the book. That is just plan ridiculous and unacceptable. If you agree to receive a free book in exchange for a review, review it (timely), especially if the author is sending a copy they paid for. It's just polite. If you can't finish it, then say so and pass it along. Don't waste their investment.Also, provide spoiler free or warnings that your review will have spoilers, please. Don't get me wrong, though. Overall, bloggers are awesome, thoughtful and I appreciate all they do! — Brenda Pandos

*I'd like to thank all of the authors for participating. You are all amazing and I enjoyed seeing your outlook on the blogging community. USE GOOGLE if you want to know more about the blogoversary celebration.