Today I am a stop on the Awaken blog tour. I have the lovely Katie Kacvinsky here to answer some questions and I will be giving away a finished copy of Awaken to one lucky reader.
1. Can you tell us a little about your past in the entertainment industry and your time as a teacher?
I took time off of college when I was nineteen and moved to Los Angeles. I’ve always had a huge passion for film and I wanted to work in the entertainment industry. In the year and a half that I lived there, I worked on a movie set as an a assistant to the director, worked for a production company, worked at a stand up comedy club and wrote on the side. Later, after I went back to school and graduated from college, I realized that no matter what I did it had to involve writing. I wanted to inspire kids to write, which is why I became a high school English teacher. I also love working with teenagers—I think high school is such an interesting phase and kids go through so many changes.
2. What made you decide to pursue writing?
I’ve always written. It’s an outlet, a form or entertainment, a mobile therapist, and a friend. I majored in journalism in college, but fiction writing has always been my passion. I love the creative liberty. I started writing books that I wish were on the shelves. I just write stories I would want to read.
3. Can you tell us about the main characters in Awaken, Maddie and Justin?
Maddie was born out of some journaling I did when I moved to Oregon. I was entranced by the beauty of this state—the rainforests and oceans and valleys. I was constantly outside hiking and exploring and I started realizing how much people miss when they’re always online. That’s how Maddie was created—this trapped, spirited character craving more than her confined life. Then, I thought, how cool would it be if someone came around to open her up? Open that lid and help her crawl out? That’s how Justin was born. He represents the “real” world. In so many ways Maddie is asleep and Justin needs to wake her up. I liked that idea. I thought it was romantic and interesting.
4. What originally made you want to tell this story?
I wanted to write a thought-provoking love story. So many love stories I read have a good romance, but the plot falls short. I find myself skimming over the storyline, just to get to the love scenes. I wanted to write a book with a plot that was gripping enough to keep the reader engaged. I love dystopian stories, especially when they’re focused around technology. I definitely think technology has its perks but I also think it’s important to keep it in check.
5. In a world where computers are used for everything, do you think that the main idea of your story could come true someday, or that in some way it already is true?
I think if we continue on the path we’re going my story could easily come true, and in many ways we are already there. We work, shop, order food, date, socialize, watch movies, read, take classes and can even exercise through a computer. The problem with this convenience is it’s getting harder and harder to turn off. I feel like you can either be excited for the future, or you can fear it. Lately, I live on the side of fearing it.

Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Children (May 23rd, 2011)
Reading Level: Young Adult
Hardback: 352 pages
Maddie lives in a world where everything is done on the computer. Whether it’s to go to school or on a date, people don’t venture out of their home. There’s really no need. For the most part, Maddie’s okay with the solitary, digital life—until she meets Justin. Justin likes being with people. He enjoys the physical closeness of face-to-face interactions. People aren’t meant to be alone, he tells her.
Suddenly, Maddie feels something awakening inside her—a feeling that maybe there is a different, better way to live. But with society and her parents telling her otherwise, Maddie is going to have to learn to stand up for herself if she wants to change the path her life is taking.
In this not-so-brave new world, two young people struggle to carve out their own space.

- 1 winner will receive a copy of Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky.
- You must be at least 13 to enter.
- Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
- Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
- Contest is US Only and ends June 1st.
- Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
- The form must be filled out to enter.
Find Katie Kacvinsk y | Website
Purchase Awaken
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