Today I have Alyssa Sheinmel on the blog. I'm a tour stop for her new book The Lucky Kind, which just came out yesterday.
I have a fun interview with her and 2 lucky winners will get a copy of her book!

Summer or Winter? Summer. But with the air conditioning turned up so high that you need a blanket.
TV Shows or Movies? TV shows. My favorite moment of pretty much every single day is when I climb into bed, turn on the TV, and turn off the lights.
Beach or Mountains? Beach – though actually, I’d really prefer a pool because I don’t like the sand. Night at home or Night on the town? Night at home (see my answer to “TV Shows or Movies”).
Coffee or Tea? Coffee. I’m not the biggest coffee drinker but I always drink it on vacation, starting with a skim latte from the airport Starbucks. I never feel like my vacation has really started until I’m sipping a latte waiting to board a plane. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate, especially ice cream.
Vampires or Werewolves? Vampires. Although I am a dog person, so I suppose that’s a little surprising. But vampires are just so darn cool.
Angels or Demons? Demons – well the daemons from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series. Luck or Fate? A little of both.
Tall, Dark and Handsome or Sweet, Cute and shy? I was going to say tall, dark, and handsome, but then my dog looked up at me with his sweet, cute, and shy face and I had to change my answer.

The Lucky Kind by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Publisher: Knoph Books for Young Readers (May 10th, 2011)
Reading Level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 208 pages
High school junior Nick Brandt is intent on getting a girlfriend, and Eden Reiss is the one that he wants. He has exactly four semesters to get the girl, but when the phone rings on an otherwise ordinary Tuesday night, life for Nick and his parents will never be the same. What had been a seemingly idyllic home life has become something else entirely. But with this shake-up comes a newfound confidence for Nick; he's become a bolder version of himself, no longer afraid to question his parents, and no longer afraid to talk to Eden.Alyssa B. Sheinmel has written a powerfully gripping story about family secrets, falling in love, and finding luck in unexpected--and sometimes unwelcome—circumstances.

- 2 winners will receive a copy of The Lucky Kind by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
- You must be at least 13 to enter.
- Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
- Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
- Contest is US Only and ends May 21st.
- Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
- The form must be filled out to enter.
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