The Best Reader + stand up against abuse

Stand Up Against Abuse: Links and Resources

Today is the start of my week-long feature Stand Up Against Abuse. This is a new feature that will highlight relationship abuse and some of the recent books that have been released that discuss the topic as well. I hope to host this event every year and highlight these important novels.

Young Adult books have the ability to change lives. Teens and young adults can see a topic in a book that may have similarities to their own life. They may learn, through a strong character, how to respond to threats or violence. I have read several young adult books that I wish I would have had as a teen. They often show strength, courage, and determination that can alter the perception of a situation. A young girl with an abusive boyfriend may finally see the warning signs and decide to break free. A young boy may realize that he, too, can be mentally or physically abused and that he shouldn't be ashamed.

Many people may feel that young adult novels shouldn't tackle these issues. They may be too violent or depressing, but the truth is that thousands of teens deal with these same situations each day. They know the violence first-hand and a book may actually be the thing that triggers their drive to make it stop.

Young adult books can save lives!
Authors Deb Caletti, Janenifer Brown, and Mandy Hubbard will be here answering some questions and they have offered up copies of their new books.

In order to spread the word about this topic, I will only be offering extra entries for links on twitter and/or blogs that link to this page. I will update this page throughout the week and link the author interviews. In addition, this page will contain the important resources that individuals can use in case they are in an abusive relationship.
Please help spread the word about this topic and share the links on this page. You can grab the button below by copying the code. It will link to this page.

Deb Caletti
Jennifer Brown
Mandy Hubbard

List of Abuse Warning Signs

Phone Numbers

The National Domestic Violence Hotline

The National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline


The Hotline-

Teen site-

Break the Cycle-



3 winners

    • 1st place
      • SIGNED copy of Bitter End
      • Stay
      • But I Love Him
      • The Six Rules of Maybe
    • 2nd place
      • Bitter End
      • Stay
      • But I Love Him
      • The Six Rules of Maybe
    • 3rd place
      • Bitter End
      • But I Love Him

  • You must be at least 13 to enter.
  • Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
  • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
  • Contest is US Only and ends July 11th.
  • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
  • The form must be filled out to enter.

You can use this tweet "Find out how to STAND UP against relationship abuse #standupagainstabuse"

I have read and reviewed all 3 of the books that will be mentioned this week- Stay by Deb Caletti, Bitter End by Janenifer Brown, and But I Love Him by Mandy Hubbard. You can click each title for the link to that review.

book, Contest, LIFE, and more:

Stand Up Against Abuse: Links and Resources + stand up against abuse