This woman <---- is outstanding… but also cruel.; ) She caused me to have a huge reading slump because nothing I've read since reading her books Beyond and Two Suns have compared. *sigh*.
If you are looking for a book totally different, you have to check out this series. I read them in just a few days and now I can't wait till book 3 comes out!
Maureen was kind enough to stop by and tell us a little about the series and you can read an excerpt from Beyond.

1. BEYOND shows readers such a complex"world". How did you first get inspired to write this story?
When I was a little girl I watched all the 'space' shows, and I had a crush on every hero. I dreamed that one of them would come take me from my back yard, away on a wild adventure in space, and that we would fall madly in love. When this never actually occurred and I learned that I was stuck on Earth for the rest of my life, the 'dream' started to turn into a story.
2. What's the hardest part of working on a book where different planets have various elements (like time changes, atmospheres, creatures)?
Your imagination is your greatest asset or your greatest foe. The concept of"time" was tricky. I was more than willing to do the actual research and fly into space to see exactly how long five years would take, but NASA shut their space program down and Richard Branson said his Virgin Galactic plane was sold out for two years. So, I was left with my imagination.: ) One of my favorite creatures is the Sumpum. It has big squashy paws that sound like wet sponges slapping against a car when it walks. It was hard not to laugh at myself as I was writing this book. I'd say,"Come on, Maureen, seriously?" But it was so much fun.
3. For those who haven't read the book yet, can you share some characteristics about Aimee and Zak?
Aimee played the clarinet in marching band. She liked photography, vanilla-scented candles, and she had a copy of Engineering for Dummies on her desk. Maybe on Earth--in high school--those characteristics might have labeled her as a geek, or a loner. But when she is accidentally taken from this planet on board a spaceship that is bound for faraway galaxies, she is starting with a clean slate. No one knows her. Heck, vanilla-scented candles and engineering students might be considered awesome in a foreign world. Not that Aimee really cares what they think. In this new world, there is so much for her to learn, and that is what truly motivates her… a thirst for knowledge.
Zak, (sigh). Zak is a loner for a completely different reason. He is aboard the guardian ship, Horus, but he is not one of them. He was also picked up from another planet. He is a warrior, possessing amazing piloting skills in his craft, the terra angel. Combine his hero and orphan status and you get a man that people feel awkward to approach. Yes, they idolize him, but in doing so, they never actually get to know him.
Oh, and he's hot too.: )
4. This book isn't just about Aimee and Zak. There are so many outstanding characters. I know it's hard to pick, but who do you really love writing about the most?
Without a doubt, it would have to be JOH. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish he actually existed, because I sure could use him around the house. JOH is brilliant, and yet remarkably like an eager puppy. He sees life from a very literal perspective. For example, when Aimee says,"JOH, thank God I found you." He responds,"I know of 9022 gods. Which one should I thank?"
5. Can you share a teaser with us?
This is a scene where Aimee has stowed away on Zak's ship…
"Gayat!" Aimee didn't know what the word was, but it had to be one doozy of a curse from Zak’s native tongue.
"Who is back there?" The English translation kicked in.
She hesitated and then cleared her throat."It's Aimee."
There was another muttered curse, followed by a smack against one of the boards. The craft jumped under each of Zak's jerky motions. Aimee knew he was mad, but she refused to cower. She just wanted to go home.
A deeply drawn breath sounded and then he managed a composed voice."What are you doing on my ship?"
Yeah, he was not happy. The notion nearly made her smile.
"I didn't intend to stay on it," she defended."But I climbed in, and then the hatch closed, and then next thing I knew you were on board, and before I even had a chance to say, Zak, I'm here, whooosh, we were off into the cosmos. And then I thought—I thought that maybe I could convince you to fly this thing to Earth."
A heavy silence loomed from the front seat.
Aimee opened her mouth to add more, but snapped it shut when she heard him say,"Stop."
"Stop what?"
"Stop talking."
She opened her mouth again, but snapped it shut as Zak swiped his hand on the side panel and she tumbled onto her side.
"Dammit, you could give me some warning before you do that," she admonished.
"If you were an approved passenger you would be secured in place, and I would not have to give you any warning."
She hated it when people were right.
"I have to concentrate," Zak continued."We're in the approach to Bordran and it is a tricky one. In this atmosphere, I'm unable to rely on the TA's automatic landing references. I have to do this manually—and I need quiet."
Aimee held her tongue… for a second."Am I going to go flying through the windshield when you land this thing?"
"Possibly," he grated.
She thought she detected a grin in his response. It aggravated her because it was at her expense. She climbed up onto her knees and spread her hands out, laying her palms flat on each side of the craft for leverage. No longer concerned about being detected, she could now inch her chin up and look out the panoramic window. She gasped, startled to find that the green planet which had appeared so minuscule on the Horus, now dominated the right side of the craft and seemed only miles away.
"It looks peaceful enough." Oh my God, she was about to land on a foreign planet!
"What you are seeing is a thick cloud of gas. The planet is far beneath that ring, and the voyage through that vapor is not an easy one. So yes, you could quite possibly end up going through the windshield. Fortunately, the windshield is made of a composite strong enough to withstand tremendous air pressure, as well significant fluctuations in temperature." He hesitated while maneuvering the craft, and then added,"And catapulting young women."
"Is there anything I can do?" she cried, oblivious to his sarcasm.
"In front of you there should be a symbol that looks like a—"
"A circle with a line through it?"
"Yes. That one. Run your finger along the line, and back up a bit."
"Run my finger along the line and then back up?" she asked."Or back up and reach forward and run my finger along the line?"
The sigh was unmistakable from the front seat.
"Either. If something hits you, then move."

Beyond by Maureen A. Miller Published: October 2012 Paperback: 302 pages Series: Beyond series, #1 Summary:
It is the day after Aimee Patterson’s high school graduation. College beckons, as does her dream of becoming an engineer. On an early evening walk, her cocker spaniel charges into the woods on the other side of the pond. Aimee trails after him, and in the stillness of that forest the unthinkable happens. She becomes paralyzed and watches in horror as her hands vanish before her eyes.
Waking to the sound of voices, Aimee realizes that she has been kidnapped. Little does she know how far away from home she is, though. In an attempt to flee her captors, she launches from their confines only to freeze at the view outside the window. The sky is black and filled with stars, and in the distance is a familiar blue globe. The planet Earth.
A group of humans forced to flee their planet after an epidemic destroyed their civilization now travel the galaxies in search of an antidote. Retrieving samples of plant life from every solar system, on this occasion Aimee was accidentally seized instead.
Aimee must learn to avoid the advances of an awkward young scientist who seems intent on dissecting her, as her own fascination turns to the exotic young warrior, Zak. Having fallen in love with Zak, she is now torn with the decision to return to Earth or live beyond the stars.

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