Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
Publisher: Hyperion Children's Books (March 22nd, 2011)
Reading Level: Young Adult
Hardback: 359 pages
Source: Publisher
Series: Hex Hall #2
Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Sophie Mercer thought she was a witch.
That was the whole reason she was sent to Hex Hall, a reform school for delinquent Prodigium (aka witches, shapeshifters, and fairies). But that was before she discovered the family secret, and that her hot crush, Archer Cross, is an agent for The Eye, a group bent on wiping Prodigium off the face of the earth.
Turns out, Sophie’s a demon, one of only two in the world—the other being her father. What’s worse, she has powers that threaten the lives of everyone she loves. Which is precisely why Sophie decides she must go to London for the Removal, a dangerous procedure that will destroy her powers.
But once Sophie arrives she makes a shocking discovery. Her new friends? They’re demons too. Meaning someone is raising them in secret with creepy plans to use their powers, and probably not for good. Meanwhile, The Eye is set on hunting Sophie down, and they’re using Archer to do it. But it’s not like she has feelings for him anymore. Does she?
Review: Just when you think it might be impossible for a sequel to surpass the first book… poof, I give you Demonglass! Yes, to me Demonglass was even more spectacular than Hex Hall which is really saying something because Hex Hall was amazing!
I'll try to stay mainly spoiler-free but this book takes readers on an adventure with Sophie to London. Due to some happenings during Hex Hall, she has decided to have her powers removed. Her father takes her, her vampire friend Janeny, and Mr. Hotness.Cal. Oh Cal, how I love you! But we will discuss him in a bit. First, Sophie is thrown for a loop when she gets a glimpse at the Council and the secrets they could be hiding. It's really a learning experience and it allows Sophie to see the life that may be waiting for her.
I was happy to see Janeny could be there to support Sophie and I was thrilled to see Cal. Needless to say, there is a little.revelation… that I was kinda shocked about. He is so mysterious and quiet, which is probably why I loved him so much!! I need more of him, NOW! But if you have read Hex Hall and are on Team Archer, no fear.he is in this book as well. I'm one of those rare people that still really enjoy the love triangle and Rachel Hawkins sure knows how to draw that triangle!
Demonglass allows us explore more of the mystery surrounding the demons, the Eye, and Prodigium life. Sophie really grows in this story and she turns into a character with such an amazing, fighting spirit. I really like when I can see a character grow and change over a series and there is no denying that with Sophie.
But why oh why did you torture me with that ending Rachel Hawkins?!? WHY?! I think it's pretty much impossible to put this book down and not demand book 3. I must have it!
This series is a must-read!
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