1. Your book, Zombie Queen of Newbury High, is about a girl who tries to do a love spell. Have you ever tried a love spell, and if not, what would be in your “love spell”?
I haven’t tried a love spell before, but if I was to do one I think it would have to include household ingredients so that I didn’t have to go to the bother of visiting a speciality spell shop. So I’m thinking flour, baking powder, sugar, cocoa, some milk, butter and a couple of eggs. That way, even if the spell doesn’t work, at least you will get some nice muffins for all of your effort!!!!

3. Can you tell us a few ways we can be sure someone is a Zombie? Can’t ever be too careful!
I find the easiest way to tell if someone is a zombie is if they start licking your arm. Oh, and when their eyes keep falling out—that’s another dead giveaway (see what I did there with the ‘dead’ giveaway pun?!)
4. Where did you get your interest in Zombies and the paranormal?
Buffy!!! I’m a long time Buffy fan and then about ten years ago my husband introduced me to Hammer House of Horror movies with people like Vincent Price and Peter Cushing in them. Some are bad but some are completely fantastic!
5. When you first began writing, what kept you motivated to keep going?
Several things, mainly ego! You see I had made the mistake of telling people that I was going to be a writer, which in turn meant that every few months someone would say ‘so, are you published yet?” Let me assure you that there is nothing more annoying than this question since, hello, if I was published I’m pretty sure I would’ve told them!!!!!! Anyway, ego and stubbornness totally kept me going!!!!
6. Your book, Fairy Bad Day, will be released next year. Can you tell us a little about it?
Fairy Bad Day is about a fairy slayer who is the laughing stock of her slaying academy and her day gets worse when she suddenly starts to see invisible killer fairies. Unfortunately, thanks to small dose of the girl who cried wolf, no one believes her and she is forced to ask the one guy she hates more than life itself for help!

Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby Publisher: Puffin (March 5th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 224 pages Quiet, unpopular,non-cheerleading Mia is blissfully happy. She is dating super hot football god Rob, and he actually likes her and asked her to prom! Enter Samantha--cheerleading goddess and miss popularity--who starts making a move for Rob. With prom in a few days, Mia needs to act fast. So she turns to her best friend, Candice, and decides to do a love spell on Rob. Unfortunately, she ends up inflicting a zombie virus onto her whole class, making herself their leader! At first she is flattered that everyone is treating her like a queen. But then zombie hunter hottie Chase explains they are actually fattening her up, because in a few days, Mia will be the first course in their new diet. She's sure she and Chase can figure something out, but she suggests that no one wear white to prom, because things could get very messy.

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