1. You have written about characters ranging from psychics, aliens, and ghosts to clones. Where did you first get your interest in the paranormal?
When I was little I loved to watch any TV shows with magical characters; witches, ghosts, superheroes. I’ve always felt like there was more to life than what we see and was intrigued by psychics who claimed to know about the Otherside. I like to hear lots of different opinions so I can decide for myself what is possible.
2. In the Dead Girl trilogy, Amber finds herself jumping into other bodies, what would you do if you had that ability?
Tough questions because I’m basically a nice person who wouldn’t want to cause trouble for anyone else. But I also would love to live a lot of different experiences; to really understand other people and lifestyles. So I might jump into different bodies for quick trips, like getting in a car and taking a weekend vacation. But I’d always return to my real life and self because I like who I am.

3. The Dead Girl trilogy has now been optioned for TV. What did it feel like when you heard the news? If it were completely up to you, who would you cast in the show?
I was thrilled that a small production company bought the option and I hope they’ll go to the next step and make a pilot. That would be amazing! I have to be realistic, though, and accept that most options don’t go very far. Still if I could choose, I’d love for the producers to cast all unknowns (except maybe for the adult parts – it would be cool to have some major stars as parents, teachers, etc.). But when I create characters, they don’t look like anyone on TV to me. The images in my head are of unique people that I’ve created. Like Amber has curly dark hair, a pretty smile but otherwise average shape and looks, maybe a little hippy. I’d love to see who the producers would cast.

4. The Magician’s Muse is book
6 in The Seer series but it is out three years after book. Was there a reason for the longer wait for this book?
Yeah, the reason was the editor and publisher felt that five books are enough. They hired me to write the DEAD GIRL trilogy and I worked on that for 2 years. I really wanted to write another SEER, though, and when I had the chance to propose one more book, I was thrilled when they agreed. So I did my best to put in mystery, murder, romance, danger, and an ending that ties up lots of plots. It’s out Oct. 1st. Then in 2011 there’s a spin-off with Thorn as a main character solving a murder mystery.
5. What projects do you have in the works right now?
I’m finished rewrites for a middle-grade novel then I hope to write another Thorn book. No word yet, though, if Flux will ask for another one. If they don’t, there’s a futurist book I’d like to write. I always have at least one book churning in my brain. And next year I have two essays in YA anthologies coming out, which excites me. One is a Harper non-profit book about bullying where YA authors share stories, poems, experiences, etc. The other is GIRL ON FIRE, an anthology about HUNGER GAMES with 13 YA authors writing essays on the trilogy. I’m so honored to be included in these books and can’t wait for them to come out.

Magician's Muse by Linda Joy Singleton Publisher: Flux (October 1st, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Series: The Seer, book #6 The Final Book in Linda Joy Singleton's Popular Paranormal Series, The Seer
A whisper, too soft to swirl wispy candle smoke, carried across time, beyond life and death—and was heard."Our bargain is sealed. My secrets will be yours-when the girl dies."
In the thrilling climax to The Seer series, Sabine's psychic abilities, sleuthing skills, and courage are pushed to a dangerous edge as she deals with the mysterious disappearance of her ex-boyfriend Josh, a new threat against her boyfriend Dominic, evil magicians (both living and dead)—and a coldblooded murder.

To find out more about Linda Joy Singleton Linda Joy Singleton / Blog / Goodreads / Twitter
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I will be giving away a signed copy of Magician's Muse during the tour!